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Where to find customers for big sales

Where to find clients is a question that worries businessmen the most. They think about it on average 50 times a day. The businessman wakes up with the thought of where to get clients and goes to bed with this thought too. Sometimes a businessman even dreams that he is looking for clients. In fact, the whole life of a businessman revolves around thoughts about customers.

Where to find customers and sell more

Clients are the center of the businessman’s world. Why is that? It’s simple – business cannot exist without clients. Client for business is like charging for a smartphone. While the business is charged by customers, it works. As soon as it is discharged, it immediately stops working, and then the number of customers must be urgently increased. If this is not done, the business will stop.

Moreover, both business and smartphone, even if they do not work, still require money. The subscription fee, even if you do not call, is still charged. A non-working business also has a kind of monthly fee: you have to pay rent, utilities, salaries to employees. Without clients, the business goes into a minus and becomes bankrupt.
The longer there are no customers, the more minus it turns out. Plus has only a business that has enough customers. That is why the question of where to find customers is the main one. To search for customers effectively, you must first determine how many are required. The logical answer is, the more the better. But this is incorrect, because the business is not rubber.

If the number of customers is greater than the business opportunity, he will not cope with them.

If the number of customers is greater than the business opportunity, he will not cope with them. Therefore, you need a reasonable approach to this issue. Aligning the capabilities and needs of the business to customers is simple. To do this, you need to determine the company’s expenses, the average income per client, the number of clients that can handle the business.

For example, all company expenses are 1 million rubles a month. The average income of a company per customer is 10,000 rubles. Features – 1 client per hour. The business operates 8 hours a day, 25 days a month and can serve 200 customers a month. The minimum number of customers needed to at least cover costs is 100, and the maximum that a business can manage is 200.

The calculations made above say that the appropriate number of customers lies in the range from 100 to 200. If 100 customers are found, then the business will go to zero. If there are 200 clients, then the income will exceed the cost of a 1 million scheme. You can spread it to your company by simply inserting data on your business into it.

Without clients it’s still impossible

The range can be significantly extended both upwards and downwards. For example, if you optimize business processes, you can significantly reduce costs, time for customer service, as well as the average bill. As a result, you can ease your task and look for fewer clients, or by expanding your business opportunities to get more revenue.

It is impossible to do without clients anyway, therefore the question of where to find clients in any case must somehow be solved. They may need more or less, but you still need to look for customers. Search for something without knowing what is meaningless and hopeless. Therefore, it is necessary for you to clearly define for yourself who the client is, what he is, what happens.
At first glance it may seem that there is nothing complicated here and who such a client is understandable so. However, the reality is not so simple. The bottom line is that a client is not every person. A client is a person who has pumped an idea, which he can realize with the help of your product or service. If a person is not pumped up with an idea, he is not a client, but simply a person.

… customers come in 3 types: draw, own and lost

If a person does not want to realize an idea that corresponds to your product or service, then they simply do not need it. In this case, the idea must be active. If a person has pumped the idea, but it is not active, then he is not a client either, but just a person. Another important point that must be taken into account is that there are 3 types of customers: draw, own and lost.

Each of these types is searched in different ways. Your clients are those that your company has created by incorporating the right idea into people. Lost customers are those created by another company, but for one reason or another lost them. Nobody’s customers are those that no company has created, so they don’t belong to anyone.

Nobody’s customers, as a rule, are created automatically by themselves without the participation of any company, pumping with a suitable idea at the point of need formation. For any product there are from 10 to 200, and sometimes more such points. Due to the fact that no one’s customers get for free –

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