Nokia sells its assets to Gazprom, BWM is declared bankrupt, Sony and Samsung leave the…

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New generation business
Many modern businesses do not give their owners what they want. They want businessmen, as…

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How to build effective business processes
Effective business processes are the main condition for building an effective business that generates money,…

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almost always the problems

Building a better marketing strategy

Building a marketing strategy is the only way to lay a good foundation for business growth. You can act intuitively, but this approach has limits, reaching which the business stops in development, or becomes bankrupt. Studies show that 95% of businesses that have problems with customers do not have a marketing strategy.

Building a marketing strategy Continue reading

Total optimization of the company's business processes
Optimization of the company's business processes is bringing the business to a state where it…


Building a better marketing strategy
Building a marketing strategy is the only way to lay a good foundation for business…


Marketing and its role in the economy of the future
The future of the world economy is a big question. This is due to the…
