How the invisible hand of the market creates customers
There is an opinion that the invisible hand of the market is what controls the…

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How to start a profitable business
To start a profitable business in modern conditions you need to know some important points.…

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Effective search for new customers
One of the main problems of the business is a small number of new customers…

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most expensive way

Infology as a marketing technology

Infology is one of the technologies of no-marketing. To understand its essence, let’s imagine the situation: you were kidnapped and brought to an unfamiliar place. Your feelings will be approximately as follows: uncertainty, fear, ignorance, you do not know what to do, where to go, you are ready to rush in any direction, just not to stay here, you just want to escape.

Infology – noomarketing technology

You shy away from every rustle and noise, because you do not know what lies behind them. Continue reading

How to start a profitable business

To start a profitable business in modern conditions you need to know some important points. The bottom line is that the times have changed and now the business does not start as it did before. In the old days, it all began with the construction of the plant, if it was about production, or with the construction of retail space, if it was about trade.

How to start a profitable business

To start a business like this in the old days was right, because there was a widespread shortage of goods and services. You build a factory, produce everything, everything, and it sells well. Continue reading

Effective search for new customers

One of the main problems of the business is a small number of new customers or their complete absence. In this regard, the search for new customers is the most important thing for a business. In fact, the whole business is now built around finding customers. Who can do this, he can build a business. If you do not know how to search for clients, then the way is only to employees.

looking for new clients

The problem is that we live in an era of global total shortage of customers. Continue reading

Training "Immersion in business" with the head
Immersion in the business. Do you need it? Yes, if you want to control your…


Effective search for new customers
One of the main problems of the business is a small number of new customers…


Building a better marketing strategy
Building a marketing strategy is the only way to lay a good foundation for business…
