Nokia sells its assets to Gazprom, BWM is declared bankrupt, Sony and Samsung leave the…

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Total analysis of business performance
Analysis of business performance is a very profitable business. First, through analysis, you can increase…

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How to maximize seller performance
The effectiveness of the seller, as shown by numerous studies, depends on whether the necessary…

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value of these goods

Marketing and its role in the economy of the future

The future of the world economy is a big question. This is due to the fact that it has been in a very deep crisis for a long time. This is recognized by all leading experts. They want here and do not need to be an expert, so everything is clear. It survives mainly due to the fact that printing presses are turned on all over the world and an intensive policy of monetarism is pursued.

The future of the world economy and the role of marketing in it Continue reading

Perfect customization of business processes

Customization of business processes improves the efficiency, competitiveness and profitability of the business. Advanced companies pay much attention to it. The bottom line is that even a minor adjustment can reduce costs, increase sales and profits by millions of dollars. Investing in the right setup of business processes brings thousands of percent of profits.

Perfect customization of business processes

In order for business process setup to be correct, you need to be well aware of what it is. Continue reading

Building a better marketing strategy

Building a marketing strategy is the only way to lay a good foundation for business growth. You can act intuitively, but this approach has limits, reaching which the business stops in development, or becomes bankrupt. Studies show that 95% of businesses that have problems with customers do not have a marketing strategy.

Building a marketing strategy Continue reading

Market research without money
Free marketing research is a reality accessible to all. The importance of marketing research is…


New method of evaluating and selecting a supplier
Serious business requires that everything work like the most accurate hours, in other words, everything…


Effective advertising in social networks
Advertising in social networks is one of the easiest ways to get customers. Even aspiring…
